Monday, August 27, 2007

hokie bedokie

That looks really funny when you type it.


So as I was saying, hokie bedokie what a summer. Camp was really fun. I learned lots, and hopefully I taught some people things here and there.
It's hard to say exactly what it was that I learned, because I didn't consciously learn very many things. I know that I learned many things and I grew in my faith, but nothing specific really stands out to me. Maybe that's a little strange, but I'm ok with it. I'd love to be able to share it with you, and maybe one day I'll be able to, but for now I'll just say this: God is good, all the time. Prayer is more powerful than I can imagine, and love covers a multitude of sins. All fairly random statements, yet connected in an extremely beautiful and powerful way.

One thing I can say for sure is that it's really hard to find time to blog when you are away at camp for a whole summer.


Tomorrow I'm headed off to New York with Scott and Pete, we are doing sort of a "end of camp unwind and have no responsibilities" road trip. Hello Chef Boyardee for three meals a day. Hello trying to get to NY without looking at a map. Hello not booking any hotels or any accommodations in advance. Hello buying I heart NY shirts and taking touristy pictures all over the city. Hello not really caring where you end up because you are just hanging out. Hello adventure. In the timeless words of the Beastie Boys: No sleep till' Brooklyn