Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the blog crawls on

So the summer is almost over, and the time has come for all the blogers to crawl back into their long pants and wool socks and warm up to the light of their laptops for hour upon contemplative hour. Well, the time is here, but not many blogers are crawling out.
Blogs are going the way of the dinosaur these days. Our lives are only getting busier, and thanks to a little social networking site called Facebook people just don't seem to have any time anymore to share their mind with the world. Or maybe we are slowly realizing that we often just don't really have anything interesting to say. Whatever the case, I am going to attempt to keep the blogging up this fall/winter, becase it helps me sort things out and allows me to stand on a soapbox in a small way - which is something I sometimes need to do for my own sanity.


I had planned to right a post talking about what I learned this summer, but the more I think about it the more difficult it seems to put into words.
I think much of what I learned is contained in the story of Moses and the burning bush in Exodus 3. To summarize:

"I am the God of you father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...and I will be with you."

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product
Time + Money = Product

When the product is people, it never works.