modest mouse

I realize that there are some not-so-nice things that Muslim women have to deal with in their culture, but I really wonder if maybe we as Christians could take a few cues from them. They take modesty seriously, something I feel that many Christian women really have no idea about. Now, in Muslim culture modesty is enforced in a fairly un-loving way, which is not something I am condoning, so please don't get me wrong. Don't worry - I'm not suggesting that all Christian women should wear parkas and snowsuits all the time, but I think that it is something that needs to be addressed.
I'm going to make a few assumptions in this post. 1st, the reader is a Christian and wants to follow God as he has revealed Himself to us in the Bible, and 2nd that the Bible tells us to be modest and to live modestly.
I'm gonna just give it to you straight up ladies: Guys struggle with lust. They struggle with lusting after you. I lust after you. That's a pretty intense statement, and maybe I'll regret it later, but I'm tired of complaining about it to my male friends, and I think something needs to be said to the women of the Church without glossing it over.
Now, some of us struggle less than others, but it's a fact. There is no guy who doesn't have to fight against it. It's not cool, it's gross, , it's perverted, but it's true.
Maybe your thinking "yeah, thanks Ryan, now we all know that you are a pervert, it's not like I didn't know that I was supposed to be modest"
What I'm saying is, if everyone knows that they are supposed to be modest, why don't they do something about it? Maybe you are doing something about it - I have many good friends who put a lot of effort into being modest, and I thank them for it. One thing I ask: If you do have it figured out, if you really understand what I am talking about, please tell other girls about it. Don't let your friends leave their house until they put some clothes on. It sounds crazy, but I am dead serious, this is important stuff. The Bible talks about keeping each other accountable and pushing each other to serve God better. (Hebrew 10: 25-26)
If you are unsure about an article of clothing, err on the side of caution, please. If you have a shirt or a skirt or a bathing suit or something that your are thinking "hmm...well, it's not that bad", please throw it away or burn it or something, because it is that bad, plain and simple.
At this point, I should probably say something about the guy's responsibility to the woman. I'm not blaming all females for my sexual sins. I'll admit that I don't try as hard as I should to control my eyes and my mind. The point that I am trying to make is that it's really flipping hard, and it's is spiritually draining. It is hard to focus on praising God and being a witness for Him when 90% of your Spiritual energy is being used up trying to control your eyes and thoughts.
Another aspect of modesty that is rarely talked about: What are your clothes saying to the world around you? What subliminal message are you sending when you are wearing a low cut top or a short skirt. What about if you are wearing a skimpy top with something else underneath to make it presentable? Or the short skirt with the leggings underneath which seams to be the new thing. Now I'm probably making a few enemies here, because I'm not sure if this is a widespread opinion, and it's possible that I'm just hyper-conservative or something. But to me, those things indicate a sort of unwillingness to commit. It's dualism. You still want to be stylish and "cute" but also want to be modest. There's nothing wrong with looking good, but I think there is more to modesty than just covering your body up. defines modesty as:
1. | the quality of being modest; freedom from vanity, boastfulness, etc. |
2. | regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc. |
3. | simplicity; moderation. |
The trouble with this topic is that there are various opinions on what modesty is and what modest clothing is. The main idea I had when I started to write this post was to begin in a small way to open up the lines of communication between Christian males and females - especially the youth. It's a difficult and sometimes awkward thing to talk about, but I think if it was not so much of taboo topic, it would be much less of a problem. My thought it was most women simply don't realize the magnitude of the problem because they have never been inside the male mind.
I think for now, I will leave it at that. I may write more about this later on, it is a pretty huge topic to cover in one post. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, especially if you are a girl.