So the other day I was at Cassy's house for their family Christmas gift exchange. It was lots of fun, we had a great time. One of their traditions is to watch a movie that their mom picks out and buys every year. This year, we watched "Superman Returns"
Some may describe this movie as "exhilarating", or maybe "an epic adventure that will leave you wanting more". Personally I would describe it as "not very good". But then again, I'm a pretty critical person. Most of it was just a little ridiculous.

See the little hair curl at the front of his face? It never ever comes uncurled. Even when he sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Now that is some super hair.
I found one interesting tidbit in the movie though.
During one scene when Superman is talking to Lois Lane, he asks her why she thinks the world doesn't need Superman.
Superman: "Why did you write that article? [
Why the World Doesn't Need Superman]"
Lois Lane: "Because the world doesn't need a savior."
Wow. Quite the statement.
Superman then proceeds to take her for a flight over the city, where he shows her all the pain, suffering, and wrongdoing that he sees and hears every day. Yes, it is cheesy. Yes, it is a lot like
Aladdin. Anyway, the point of this post is to say that people are really blind, and Superman is a very poor excuse for a Savior.