Saturday, September 30, 2006

Please stop looking like that, you are making me hungry.
I can't understand what the problem is, everything seemed fine yesterday.
What are your symptoms, doctor?

D'y'know what really is starting to get me right peaved? Bush gripers. People who have jumped onto the "I hate President Bush and everything he stands for even though I don't really know or care what that is" bandwagon. Green Day writes a "rock opera" called American Idiot and suddenly the whole country hates their President. It seems that every American musician has suddenly decided that it is their patriotic duty to have at least one political song on every album that they put out.
A message to Green Day and their millions of 12 year old fans: We liked it when you wrote songs about drugs and feeling sad! It was annoying, but at least it was amusing!

It has occured to me that this is a somewhat political post in delightfully ironic.

Dan, Nate, Anton, Sarah, Dayna, James and I had Bible Study at the ol' Mohawk today. We studied Nehemiah 2. It was really cool. We did it in the pub. There were all kinds of people on tables around us drinking and playing poker and what not and were were studying God's word. Wow, talk about cool. "so I prayed to the God of Heaven" Thanks a bunch guys, I feel really encouraged.

not my will but Yours

This evening I went to Cassy's church to help them set up their new chairs in the sanctuary. They are really nice, and super comfortable. Once all the perfectionist dutch people had everything measured out where they wanted them to be, we finally got around to putting the chairs in their proper spots. It didn't take very long once us young folks got going on the actual work. It's was actually pretty fun, hanging around with old people and staying out of their way while they did their thing. Plus, afterwards there was coffee and cake, in the true Dutch tradition. Who can not have a good time when coffee and cake are present. I supposed if you didn't have a mouth it wouldn't be that great, but i've heard that a high percentage of humans have those.

Things are looking up:
*None of my family members or friends died today, nor did they catch any diseases that will cause them to do so in the near future.
*no matter how little attention I give her or how mean I am to her, my dog is always incredibly stoked to see me.
*I have a mouth, and I am not physically deformed in any way.
*God is good...all the time.
*words in the dictionary
*I do not own a fish

I am becoming increasingly vague...i'm not sure whether it is artsy or 1:00 in the morning, but I am leaning towards the latter.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today was a good day because I woke up and I read my Bible. I have noticed a direct corelation between the quality of my days and the effort I put into studying of the Bible. When I read my Bible and spend some "just me and God" time in the morning, my day is on average about 200% better. That is alot of percents!
My question is why don't I do this everyday? Why do I consistently stay up too late at night so that I am to tired to wake up and read the Bible in the morning? It's the spiritual equivalent of kicking my self directly in the face.

So I was hanging out in my kitchen last night talking to my little sister while she was on the computer. I noticed that she was updating her blog, so I was like "sweet!". So I asked her where I can find her blog cause i wanted to read it, because that would be cool. She didn't want to give it to me because she didn't want me to read it.
Tip of the Day: If you don't want people to read stuff, don't put it on the internet.

Awesome thing that happened today: I went to school and I got to hang out with a bunch of the coolest cats on the face of this earth. (p.s. this happens every day)


Is it everything you've dreamed of Neal?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ashley, I found the picture. Here it be. It's a galaxy, I was mistaken about the nebula thing.

I'm here with the others, saw the heavens testify
Now I hang back in the shadows, i want to come close, I want to know
She sees me shivering here, she smiles and with a nod, I walk through the mud and straw to the newborn Son of God.

Come let us adore Him, He has come down to this barren land, and all I have to give is Adoration.

He raises a wrinkled hand through the dust and the flies
Wrapped in rags like we are, and with barely opened eyes
He takes my finger and He won't let go, and He won't let go
It's nothing like I knew before and it's all I need to know.

-Newsboys, Adoration

It's all I need to know.

Sarah, Scott, and James, I love you guys.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So today I was in a situation that at the time I considered very bloggable. It was so good, I was pretty excited about putting it on here. But i can't remember what it was. I remember thinking it, and I remember being excited about it, but I can't remember the actual thing. I guess I am crazy.
In other news, a good way to tell if someone is a loser is when they are excited about putting things up on their blog.

Awesome thing that happened today: I found out that my Canadian Politics teacher is a Baptist.


Monday, September 25, 2006

So I am listening to Death Cab for Cutie, sitting in the middle of the i-wing at Mohawk College wondering what I'm doing here. I'm posting on a blog, and my friends are sitting on the other side of the room huddled around James's computer. Three conclusions can be drawn out of this situation: 1st, computers are slowly replacing human interaction. The second thing is a picture, and the third is that Death Cab for Cutie rocks.

I practiced guitar for 1 hour and 45 minutes straight today. I am excited about it, but my arms hurt now. Oh well, I will get used to it. Being a music student tends to necessitate practice.

Awesome thing of the day: James gave me 2 stroupwaffles and a Mento.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hey everybody. I would wave to you, but I have found that to be notoriously difficult to do over the internet. Funny thing.
So I started a blog. To commemorate this occasion, I am going to do nothing. On second thought, I think I will go get a drink of water, but that is more on account of the fact that I am thirsty than that I have started a blog.
In any case, there are two things that I wish to address in this blog:

-Blogs and their impact on society as a whole.
-Newsboys and Third Day.

To begin, I want to clear one thing up. I hate blogs. They are an evil fad, one that should be abhored by all right-minded indivuduals, with the possible exception of university proffesors who enjoy discussing quantum physics and middle-eastern politcs, and emo kids who have nothing better to do that gripe about their mom and how she only bought them a 40-gig i-pod as opposed to the 60-gig model that he/she really wanted. Emo children have a very poor attitude.
On second though, hate is a pretty strong word, and it is one that I try to reserve for such incredibly evil characters such as the Devil himself, as well as annoyingly terrible musicians. So lets just say that up until a few days ago, I strongly disliked blogs. However, I don't strongly dislike them anymore, and that is what I have been trying to say for these two paragraphs so far.
It all started about one half of one week ago, when I was at school and my good friend and cousin Dan told me he had started a blog and told me that he was rather enjoying the experience. I thought to myself "hmmm...Dan is a really solid character, and he probably wouldn't be into these things if there really were just an evil fad..." I decided to have a look-see. I found out that blogs are actually pretty swell! The blogs of Sarah Vanpopta and Ben Bowman stood out to me most of all. Here are two people who are incredibly cool people, both of whom I have a profound respect for. As I read those blogs, I realized there was something really neat that was going on. What was it? Why was I so interested in what they had to say? I am not really sure, but I would venture to say that it is because when one reads a blog, they feel they are connected to that person, that they suddenly have the inside scoop on that person, and that makes us feel close to them, and it is our human nature to enjoy that type of thing. Interesting? Definitely. Creepy? Kinda.
It was when I was thinking about these things that I decided that blogs are a good thing. Why? Because I care what is going on in my friends lives. I want to share in their victories and help them through tough times. I want to learn from them. I want to worship and praise my God with them. But if I don't know about that can I help? How can they help me? I don't see my friends all the time, so blogs are an awesome way of keeping up with everybody.
Blogs let us know that we are all in this together. They give us community. And those are my inexperienced thoughts on blogs.

As for my second topic I would just like to say thank you to Third Day and Newsboys for making awesome music that both me and my Mom can rock out to.

peace & love
