Friday, January 19, 2007

cellphones & leprosy

So cellphones are pretty much the most popular piece of techonology out there right now. Everyone has one...except Dan...but that's ok.

One day he will catch up with the cool kids.

Anyway, as many of you know, the cellphone that I have is about 5 years old, has a green backlit screen and is built like a tank. It kinda sucks, but it serves it's purpose. It costs about $15 a month, as long as I don't go over the limit, which I rarely do.

I was thinking about getting a new one. My parents went to check it out and we can get a family plan that comes with 3 phones, and costs roughly $30 each per month.

So as I was thinking about this, I was watching TV. I'm not sure why...but I was. This commercial came on about a child who lived somewhere in Africa who had leprosy. Leprosy is a horrible disease that attacks the nerves. The loss of feeling means that the infected person can't feel it when they hurt themselves, wich results in undetected wounds and infections which is followed by deterioration of the flesh. It can be quite grotesque, but there is effective treatment available, which consists of a few pills that need to be taken monthly for about a year. Unfortunately, many people who get the disease live in 3rd world countries where either the treatment is unavailable of they can't afford it. The kid that was featured on the commercial had very recently been diagnosed. He didn't even know what the disease was. He didn't understand.
The television commercial said that I could help. with a monthly donation of $29 he would get the medication he needed to stay alive.

$29 dollars to save a life...or $30 to pay a cell phone bill.

I dont' really need a cellphone anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean you'll be going the charitable direction?

Personally, I support the work of Compassion International, but there are bazillions of organizations, all asking about $30 a month.


Friday, January 19, 2007 10:32:00 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

my point being that I would rather donate $30 to help someone then pay $30 so that I can have a cell phone.

I am prioritizing. That's the point of the post...

Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeh I caught that. I was just wondering if you ARE going to donate that $30. Now that you've deemed it higher priority than a cellfone (as indeed it is).

Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:44:00 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

yeah, i sure am.

Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:05:00 AM  
Blogger Tamara said...

HI RYan!
I'm sick at home for the third day in a row, so I'm finding things to do like comment on blogs!
You are a compassionate guy, people around you get blessed without them realizing it. That is a talent and a gift for sure.

Sunday, January 21, 2007 2:56:00 PM  

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