I am in denial.
I am in denial of the fact that today is Thursday and tomorow is Friday.
Isn't it strange how I can convince myself that something is a good idea and yet still know deep down that it is a bad idea?
I didn't read my Bible this morning. I rationalized this obviously stupid thing to do by saying that I would do it at school after class...knowing that I wouldn't feel like doing it after class and that I had other things to do.
Although this is obviously of lesser importance, for the last 3 months I have not brought a lunch to school. Every day at school I decide that I will make myself a lunch for the next day when I get home. But somehow I never do it. When I get home, I dont' feel like it, so I reason with myself by telling myself that I don't really get that hungry at school, and that I will be fine without it. This happens every single day.
At this very moment I should be practicing guitar for my lesson tomorow, but I am not. I decided to come and check my email in the lounge, telling myself that I will practice when I get home, knowing full well that I won't.
And yet somehow I find it so completely ridiculous that people deny that there is a God and live sinful lives, regardless of the consequences that are impossible to miss. It's just human nature to do that.
Everyone knows that all actions have consequences. We learn that from an early age. But it is human nature to rationalize our way out of those consequences to get instant gratification. I don't think anyone thinks they can truly get away from those consequences. They are just in denial.
It makes me glad that God gives me a good smack in the back of the head every once in a while.
2 Timothy 2:11-12
This is a faithful saying: For is we died with Him, we shall also live with Hum. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us.I love this verse because it doesn't place greater importance on any of those things. They are a set of facts.
I love how God doesn't take any crap. You are either with or against. There is no middle ground.
The passage goes on to say in verse 13:
If we are faithless, He remains faithful: He cannot deny Himself.I love the distinction between
denying in verse 12 and
faithless in verse 13
. God will remain faithful to us in times of weakness, in our doubt, when we stumble. But if we do not humble ourselves before Him and heed His call,
He will deny us.Early in the chapter in verse 3:
You therfore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. May God give you strength to endure hardship, no to
embrace that hardship for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I think that if I was a minister, people would hate me for being really long-winded.
Awesome thing that happened today: I rediscoverd my love for Radiohead's
Kid A. I never noticed that harp at the end of
Motion Picture Soundtrack.