Tuesday, October 31, 2006

be zealous and repent.

"These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 'I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Because you say 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'-and do not know that you are wretched , miserable, poor blind, and naked- I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent."
Revelation 3:15-18

I am vomit.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

multiple posts in one day! Uber-nerd's fingers fused with keyboard! Read all about it!

Hey guys, i know it sucks that I am doing 2 posts in 1 day, but I just put a new song on my purevolume account and I wanna know what you guys think. Take time to listen!

Ryan Sparks (that's me)

the downfall of society.

Hey everybody! I've been thinking. Don't laugh, I really actually have. What have I been thinking about you ask? (I will assume you are interested) I've been thinking about television. I know, 'thinking' and 'televion' are two words not often seen in such close proximity, and that is one of my reasons for writing this post.

I don't watch a whole lot of tv. I don't have much time for it. But there are those evenings when I am home, and I am tired, and I just feel like shutting my mind off and letting myself be entertained.

The other day I sat down in front of the tv, and I decided that every time a program used God's name in vain, or made a crude joke, I would change the channel. Within 3 minutes I had run out of channels, and I shut the TV off.
This finding really scares me. How many countless hours have I sat in front of the TV letting my mind be filled with crap without thinking about it. Without even trying to guard myself. How I allowed people to belittle my God and his commands, without batting an eye.
I find it amazing how many Christians (myself included) just let this kind of thing pass by unchecked and esentially unnoticed. There is usually the obligatory "tsk" from your mom when you are having a family movie night, but other than that this insult to Christianity generally slips under the radar.
Even if TV shows didn't take God's name in vain so often, what about the digusting obsession with all forms of sex. Not to mention the appauling lack of respect for human life.

Anyway, I am sure you guys know all that already. I'm gonna do something about it though, and I am inviting you to join me. I made a pact with myself to not watch TV for 3 weeks as an experiment. I am going to see if my my relationship with God, my thoughts, words, and actions are altered in any way. If they get better, stay the same, or get worse.
Place your bets here. I'm putting money on "gets better"

Awesome thing that happened today: I told my friend at school today that I wanted to go to theological college instead of be a musician. He thought I was crazy.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


for this next post, my little sister is going to tell me what to type. In other words, she will be dictating a post to me.

topic: seven (7)

ok...he...seven has always seemed to me to be kind of a jerk in the world of numbers. because...because...one...and...ok ok wait don't write that...i hate you. kidding! i don't like talking about seven.

new topic: acorns. with side note on pinecones.

ahem, ahem, *lip smacking* i like acorns because acorns have hats. And I don't want to write a side note about pinecones, because pinecones...have you ever wanted to bite a pinecone? Cause I have. Cause you would think that they would be crunchy and taste good, because they look like they taste good, but I don't think they do. Maybe if they were covered in chocolate, because then maybe they would be all like chocolatly and good on the outside, and then on the inside they would crunch, and maybe cut your tongue. But that would suck! So that's why I didn't want to write about pinecones.

new topic: cold beverages.

I LOVE COLD BEVERAGES. In fact, do we have any cold beverages? Like good ones? You would be a horrible secretary.

The end.

awesome thing that happened today: Brittni didn't spray me in the ear with windex!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

attention attention!

Living Worship:

Saturday, October 21st
Woodview Learning centre.

for directions and words click Worship

  • sing praises to our God and Father
  • hear Dave Dejong speak on "the universal Church"
  • enjoy hanging out with other believers
  • sing praises to our God and Father
Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

of Black Emperors and sleepless nights.

Currently Listening to: Godspeed! You Black Emperor- F#A#

I put that there because I am jealous of Xanga users and their "currently Listening" option. But that is the only thing I am jealous of.

Lately, I have not been sleeping well. I think the stress of post-secondary education is getting to me. Last week at this time, I was sick as a dog, and really really tired, but I just couldn't sleep, because I kept thinking about how much work I had to do and how important it was that I go practice and study. Ever since then, I just haven't slept well. As soon as I get to bed my mind is filled with all the things that I need to do. Write this paper, memorize this scale, notate this song, do the reading homework, study for that test. On top of that, I have to fulfill my duties as Vice Prez of the Youth Group, and get everything together for Living Worship this weekend. WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!
The part that makes me most frustrated is that I seem to be the only one in my entire class who feels any anxiety about learning all this stuff on time. Either I am really stupid, or everyone else is just trying to look cool.
Maybe it's just because I am making way to big a deal of everything since I have never been to school before. I don't really know how teachers will react to stuff and what I can do about it. Maybe. I doubt it.
Anyway, all I can do is keep studying, and praying that I will get some sleep soon.

In other news, Scott and Sarah I have come up with a new slogan for our emo band! "a heart that is not bleeding is a heart that is not beating." Get it? It's cool because hearts bleed...that is sort of their function. Let's make t-shirts.

Awesome thing that happened today: This morning my mom gave me a caramilk bar. Thanks mom!

Monday, October 16, 2006

You Can't Tame This Deity

How you gonna reckon with a God like this?
When you gonna face what you can't dismiss?
Whatcha gonna say to the... Soul Kiss that is my God?
Fearsome like the sag in a fat man's chair?
Sweeter than a patch of Rogaine hair?
How do you define what you can't compare?
This is... My God

And there's no use explaining what can't be contained

I'm not following a God I can lead around
I Can't tame this deity
That's why Jesus is the final answer
to Who I want my God to be!
He's Who (I want my God to be...)

How you gonna reckon with a God this Great?
Why you gonna measure what you can't equate?

Whatcha gonna say to the... Checkmate that is my God?
Stronger than the burn of an aftershave?
Tender as a burger in your microwave, rarer than the air in an empty grave?
This is... My God

And there's no use explaining what can't be contained

How we gonna work this out?
To fabricate a God like this?
No doubt
We'd end up worshipping a Christ of our own design
But Jesus doesn't fit that profile
His ways aren't mine

I'm not following A God that's imagined!
Can't invent his deity
That's why Jesus is the final answer
to who I want my God to be
He's Who I want my God to be.



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A New Post

Hello internet. Hello millions of web sites. Hello COMMUNICATIONS CLASS GOT CANCELLED SO I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL UNTIL 12:00!!!!
Oh yeah. That's right. I loooove college.

I woke up with a cold this morning. I really hate having colds. They make my head feel like a brick. My sinuses are more congested than the 400 on a long weekend. bleh, I need some orange juice.

Y'know those days where you have tons and tons of work to do, and you have no idea when you are going to do it all, but you are just sitting around doing nothing because you feel like crap? Yeah, this is one of those days.

OK, that's it, no more complaining. I am going to get off my rear, I am going to eat some food, maybe drink some tea, and go to school, and I am going to study, practice, and learn stuff until my next class. This is going to be a great day, wether I like it or not.

Friday, October 06, 2006

60 dollar bills = Eternal Peace

Hey everybody. How are you all doing?
I've got something super cool to talk about today. I am continually amazed at the way God is taking care of me, even though I have such little faith.
So as you have read in previous posts, I don't have alot of money, and I've been kind of worried about it...but not anymore, because I know the Lord will provide. A few things happened this week that really confirmed that for me.

As I told you before, there is a hole in my gas tank. This is not only really expensive to fix (roughly $400), but until I get it fixed it is costing me a fortune in gas. It also has a dent in the trunk, which is starting to rust up, the tires are getting old, and pretty much have 0 grip in any kind of unpleasant weather. The brakes are kinda messed up and will need to be replaced soon...all this will be pretty expensive, as I am sure you know. Every time I turn left it makes a wierd noise.
I don't really have any money to do anything besides drive to school and do school work. Which isn't really so bad in a way that will make me not able to live, but you know how it is...I can't afford to do anything fun.

Anyway, I got home on Wednesday evening, and my dad tells me that he found a 1993 Nissan Altima at the dealership in Milton and he was gonna go get it. It has all the parts on it that I need, and more. It's the same colour so I can swap the trunk lid out so that mine isn't rusting anymore. It also has some cool stuff that I don't really need like super nice new headlights and taillights, with cornering lights. It has a spoiler, and it has alluminum rims with 4 wheel disk brakes. It has 4 brand new Michellin tires on it, which all together are worth about $400.

All this, for $460. And my dad is paying for it.

And, as if this isn't enough, I got a $60 cheque in the mail on the same day. It was from Reformed Bible Conference. I recorded the conference last spring, and I told them I didn't want to get paid. I guess they wanted to pay me anyway.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is always faithful!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I found these pictures in my surfing exploits. they are pretty neat. They are done by a graffiti artist named Bansky. check out www.bansky.co.uk. There is some somewhat obscene stuff, so watch out. it's really neat for the most part.

West Bank, Palestine 2005:
The security barrier separating the occupied territories from Israel is over 450 miles long and 38ft high. It was deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice but construction by the Israeli government continues.

Monday, October 02, 2006

What is going on here?

Sing a Song of Celabration


I am really happy right now. Isn't that great? I'm at school. I love school! I am listening to Jack Johnson...I love Jack Johnson!
Wann know another reason I'm really happy right now? Last night I was kinda depressed because I realized that there is a hole in my gas tank, so I have to get a new one, and it is gonna be expensive. (there's a hole in my gas tank, my gas tank, my gas tank. There's a hole in my gas tank...etc.) So I kinda decided that I couldn't afford to go to the Decemberists show for Becca and Sarah's birthday party on account of not having any money. So I told Cassandra, and she said she would buy my ticket! I protested, because she doesn't have much money either, but she is completly determined to buy me that ticket.

Best. Girlfriend. Ever.

I still have to buy a new gas tank, but I think my rents are gonna help me out with that. SWEET! Like I said, I am pretty happy.

My God is so BIG so STRONG and so MIGHTY there is nothing my God cannot do.

Something that was re-pointed out to me last night was this: Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be given unto you. I'm not sure where that is from, but if someone could help me out with that I would appreciate it.
Anyway lately I have been worrying alot about money, and what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I really feel a call into youth ministry, I just don't know how or where, or when. But then my lovely girlfriend pointed out this passage to me, and now I'm not worried anymore. Just curious. Curious to see where God is going to take me. Curious to see how He will provide. I'm excited to do His work, and watch Him take care of me.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have the peace that passes all understanding.

I'm crazy :)

Awesome thing that happened today: James and Sean and John and Jordan all chipped in a bought me a coffee. I love you guys.