Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
God is good...All the time.
so, I am now officially "Assistant Head Counsellor" at Campfire Summer Bible Camp. Awesome.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
a strange sensation.
Last night as I was getting ready for bed my dog came into my room.
She never does that.
It's hard for her to get down the stairs because there is something wrong with her leg and she limps.
She slept there last night, breathing quietly. I left the door open for her all night, but she slept beside me.
Before I lay down she looked at me with her big brown eyes.
They are starting to cloud over because she is aging.
She can't talk but I'm pretty sure she was telling me that she is lonely and that she is dying.
She never does that.
It's hard for her to get down the stairs because there is something wrong with her leg and she limps.
She slept there last night, breathing quietly. I left the door open for her all night, but she slept beside me.
Before I lay down she looked at me with her big brown eyes.
They are starting to cloud over because she is aging.
She can't talk but I'm pretty sure she was telling me that she is lonely and that she is dying.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
the life of contradiction.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.
18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
-Romans 7:15-20.
The life of a Christian is a contradiction. Saying one thing, doing another. Aiming for perfection and falling miserably short. A constant struggle against the flesh.
I'm sorry. I don't want to do these things.
Lord Jesus, please come back. I am tired.
18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
-Romans 7:15-20.
The life of a Christian is a contradiction. Saying one thing, doing another. Aiming for perfection and falling miserably short. A constant struggle against the flesh.
I'm sorry. I don't want to do these things.
Lord Jesus, please come back. I am tired.
Friday, January 19, 2007
cellphones & leprosy
So cellphones are pretty much the most popular piece of techonology out there right now. Everyone has one...except Dan...but that's ok.
One day he will catch up with the cool kids.
Anyway, as many of you know, the cellphone that I have is about 5 years old, has a green backlit screen and is built like a tank. It kinda sucks, but it serves it's purpose. It costs about $15 a month, as long as I don't go over the limit, which I rarely do.
I was thinking about getting a new one. My parents went to check it out and we can get a family plan that comes with 3 phones, and costs roughly $30 each per month.
So as I was thinking about this, I was watching TV. I'm not sure why...but I was. This commercial came on about a child who lived somewhere in Africa who had leprosy. Leprosy is a horrible disease that attacks the nerves. The loss of feeling means that the infected person can't feel it when they hurt themselves, wich results in undetected wounds and infections which is followed by deterioration of the flesh. It can be quite grotesque, but there is effective treatment available, which consists of a few pills that need to be taken monthly for about a year. Unfortunately, many people who get the disease live in 3rd world countries where either the treatment is unavailable of they can't afford it. The kid that was featured on the commercial had very recently been diagnosed. He didn't even know what the disease was. He didn't understand.
The television commercial said that I could help. with a monthly donation of $29 he would get the medication he needed to stay alive.
$29 dollars to save a life...or $30 to pay a cell phone bill.
I dont' really need a cellphone anyway.
One day he will catch up with the cool kids.
Anyway, as many of you know, the cellphone that I have is about 5 years old, has a green backlit screen and is built like a tank. It kinda sucks, but it serves it's purpose. It costs about $15 a month, as long as I don't go over the limit, which I rarely do.
I was thinking about getting a new one. My parents went to check it out and we can get a family plan that comes with 3 phones, and costs roughly $30 each per month.
So as I was thinking about this, I was watching TV. I'm not sure why...but I was. This commercial came on about a child who lived somewhere in Africa who had leprosy. Leprosy is a horrible disease that attacks the nerves. The loss of feeling means that the infected person can't feel it when they hurt themselves, wich results in undetected wounds and infections which is followed by deterioration of the flesh. It can be quite grotesque, but there is effective treatment available, which consists of a few pills that need to be taken monthly for about a year. Unfortunately, many people who get the disease live in 3rd world countries where either the treatment is unavailable of they can't afford it. The kid that was featured on the commercial had very recently been diagnosed. He didn't even know what the disease was. He didn't understand.
The television commercial said that I could help. with a monthly donation of $29 he would get the medication he needed to stay alive.
$29 dollars to save a life...or $30 to pay a cell phone bill.
I dont' really need a cellphone anyway.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
thoughts on the Others phenomenon.
phenomenon is a funny looking word.
Something that was pointed out to me by my wonderful "g slash f".
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Lately I have been falling into a mindset of self deprecation. Since Campfire! Discovery Week three, I have been trying very hard to focus on Others. I'm sure you will agree that this is good, but you will notice that the verse says "love your neighbor as yourself". I've been forgetting that. While I am to wholeheartedly serve others, I am also to care for myself. I have let myself get run down and tired, and in turn I have been less able to serve others.
I am supposed to love myself?
Well, that's what it says. Why does it feel so unnatural?
Something that was pointed out to me by my wonderful "g slash f".
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Lately I have been falling into a mindset of self deprecation. Since Campfire! Discovery Week three, I have been trying very hard to focus on Others. I'm sure you will agree that this is good, but you will notice that the verse says "love your neighbor as yourself". I've been forgetting that. While I am to wholeheartedly serve others, I am also to care for myself. I have let myself get run down and tired, and in turn I have been less able to serve others.
I am supposed to love myself?
Well, that's what it says. Why does it feel so unnatural?
This past Sunday I decided that I would try writing notes in church to see if it would help me pay attention.
If you don't write notes in church and you have difficulty paying attention or remembering what the sermon was about, take notes. It's incredible. I learned so much, just because I payed attention for the whole time. I can't remember the last time I did that. Kinda sad eh?
Anyway, life is noticeably better now.
If you don't write notes in church and you have difficulty paying attention or remembering what the sermon was about, take notes. It's incredible. I learned so much, just because I payed attention for the whole time. I can't remember the last time I did that. Kinda sad eh?
Anyway, life is noticeably better now.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
with the spirit of a traffic jam
So, in the spirit of posting amusing things on my blog, I am going to search "amusing" in a Google image search and post the first thing that comes up.
well, maybe not, seeing as that is actually pretty offensive.
So, in the spirit of not posting completely useless things on my blog and thereby rendering it entirely useless, I need to come up with a new idea.
I made an interesting observation today. At Mohawk, at the beginning of the semester is usually when all dutiful and hardworking students go and collect their OSAP (Ontario Student Association Program) money so that they can pay for beer. A common thing to hear when walking through the halls is "I got my OSAP money today! Drinks are on me tonight!"
I am so glad that I work hard during the summer so that I can pay for my tuition and my fellow student's drinking habits.
well, maybe not, seeing as that is actually pretty offensive.
So, in the spirit of not posting completely useless things on my blog and thereby rendering it entirely useless, I need to come up with a new idea.
I made an interesting observation today. At Mohawk, at the beginning of the semester is usually when all dutiful and hardworking students go and collect their OSAP (Ontario Student Association Program) money so that they can pay for beer. A common thing to hear when walking through the halls is "I got my OSAP money today! Drinks are on me tonight!"
I am so glad that I work hard during the summer so that I can pay for my tuition and my fellow student's drinking habits.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A statement, a funny joke, and a poem -by Ryan
I like Radiohead. A lot.
A funny joke:
Why is Lucy in the sky with diamonds?
Because the Beatles are on LSD!!
I made that one up myself.
Sometimes I wish I could say what I mean.
But I'm glad I can't because then you would know what I am thinking.
And then you would never talk to me again.
A funny joke:
Why is Lucy in the sky with diamonds?
Because the Beatles are on LSD!!
I made that one up myself.
Sometimes I wish I could say what I mean.
But I'm glad I can't because then you would know what I am thinking.
And then you would never talk to me again.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Running to Stand Still
I've read some books, I know what's going on. I'd tell you about it, but then I would no longer be superior.
I've found out that I am completely addicted to coffee. The absence of the delightful beverage from my body induces extremely painful headaches and grouchiness. I guess I only found out now because by the time I got up at noon during the Christmas holidays the coffee was gone already, and I was to lazy to make some myself.
I am not quite sure how I feel about being a drug addict, but for some reason it makes me feel very edgy, like am a little bit more knowledgeable and experienced.
Maybe it's because all the good artists are drug addicts.
C.S. Lewis said in his book Mere Christianity "Only humans can forgive."
Only humans can forgive? Jesus said on the cross "forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing"
I am fighting with this one. But it makes sense.
God is 100% righteous. He never overlooks sins. He can't overlook sins. It goes against His very nature. In a way, God the Father has never directly forgiven us. He sent his Son so that he can take the entire punishment for us. We have been punished, our penalty has been taken away from the ones who deserved it. But since the Father is unfailing righteousness, there is no forgiveness.
Heavy stuff. It is hard to understand, but I like it.
I've found out that I am completely addicted to coffee. The absence of the delightful beverage from my body induces extremely painful headaches and grouchiness. I guess I only found out now because by the time I got up at noon during the Christmas holidays the coffee was gone already, and I was to lazy to make some myself.
I am not quite sure how I feel about being a drug addict, but for some reason it makes me feel very edgy, like am a little bit more knowledgeable and experienced.
Maybe it's because all the good artists are drug addicts.
C.S. Lewis said in his book Mere Christianity "Only humans can forgive."
Only humans can forgive? Jesus said on the cross "forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing"
I am fighting with this one. But it makes sense.
God is 100% righteous. He never overlooks sins. He can't overlook sins. It goes against His very nature. In a way, God the Father has never directly forgiven us. He sent his Son so that he can take the entire punishment for us. We have been punished, our penalty has been taken away from the ones who deserved it. But since the Father is unfailing righteousness, there is no forgiveness.
Heavy stuff. It is hard to understand, but I like it.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New Years Resolution
2006 is over.
2007 doesn't feel much different.
My car is much dirtier from driving in the mud at camp.
2006 was a year of change. Many things changed about me, the way I live my life, and the way I see the world. I made some of the strongest, most encouraging and steadfast friends a guy could ask for.
2007 is...the year in which I will read my Bible more faithfully, pray continually, and honor the Creator in everything I say and do, so help me God.
I have a good friend, and he is not having a good beginning of 2007.
Strength and peace brother.
2007 doesn't feel much different.
My car is much dirtier from driving in the mud at camp.
2006 was a year of change. Many things changed about me, the way I live my life, and the way I see the world. I made some of the strongest, most encouraging and steadfast friends a guy could ask for.
2007 is...the year in which I will read my Bible more faithfully, pray continually, and honor the Creator in everything I say and do, so help me God.
I have a good friend, and he is not having a good beginning of 2007.
Strength and peace brother.